Subarta Trust is achieving equity in access to elderly housing and inventing the CARE industry in Bangladesh, by tying the needs of high income and low-income communities. Through an innovative cross-subsidy financial model, Subarta’s network of care-centers ensures and provides safe, dignified and integrated quality housing and professional care services for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Redefining the way care is given to individuals in the country, Subarta is inventing a complete new approach – an integrated social security system, specialised care housing, fueled by social enterprise, CSR and donor based models, as well as private ownership models. Subarta’s sophisticated innovative approach gives beneficiaries the ownership of their care, breaking stagnant structures of service based-dysfunctional old home systems.

A society where all elderly and challenged citizens irrespective of sex, color, religion, or social status can enjoy a decent, secured, and dignified life.
To establish a care industry for the elderly and challenged individuals through the introduction of care science, provision of special housing and care services and incorporation of care finance
Provide high quality, specialized housing and care service to elderly & challenged people from all socio-economic backgrounds.
Train professional and passionate stroke carers for the ageing and challenged people.
- Ensure financial management and savings for lifelong access to care service
- Channel innovations, resources and re-imagine a new world for the ageing and challenged people
- Bring systematic shift in addressing ageing population through resource mobilization, policy advocacy and behavioral change